
In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content. Lorem ipsum may be used as a placeholder before final copy is available.


Jamesway is your partner for a worry-free hatchery.

Jamesway’s single stage and multi stage incubation systems are industry leaders for a reason: the most effective designs also translate into the most reliable, energy efficient, easy to use and maintain and machines. A user friendly design and emphasis on accessibility make Jamesway incubators and hatchers a valuable addition to any hatchery.

You can count on us everywhere.


Chick Master system orchestrated to efficiently produce strong, healthy chicks with the highest hatchability rates, lower energy costs with rooms and machines working in concert together. You can control locally or remotely all hatchery functions from one location.

CM incubation, parts and services experts keep your hatchery running in perfect harmony.

Big Dutchman

Big Dutchman has planned and realized feeding systems and housing equipment for modern poultry production since 1938.
Big Dutchman offer you practical, economical and environment-friendly solutions all geared to future needs.
Big Dutchman is the recognized market leader in the entire industry. Across five continents and in more than 100 countries, BD’s name stands for long-lasting quality, rapid service.